Anyone who peruses websites such as our beloved SGM is undoubtedly a fan of genre movies. Yet no matter how impressive our collections of discs, models, books and magazines may be, I would hazard a guess they are positively dwarfed by that of the late Forrest J. Ackerman�s. Uncle Forry, as he was affectionately known, passed away at the ripe old age of 92 back in 2008. But such was his passion for Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror not only did he transform his own residence into an impressive museum of genre movie memorabilia, he also founded the legendary Famous Monsters magazine.

Famous Monsters was a publication that was devoured by loyal fans and for the talented few, also acted as an inspiration as they transformed their childhood dreams into fantastical movie making careers. Due to Ackerman�s overwhelming warmth and generosity, it is no surprise that those he influenced also became close friends. One such individual is writer and filmmaker Paul Davids, a former teenage winner in the Famous Monster movie contest decades ago.

Davids went onto produce info films such as STARRY NIGHT (Van Gogh), ROSWELL and TIMOTHY LEARY�S DEAD. His latest venture however is something called THE LIFE AFTER DEATH PROJECT and is described as his most personal work to date. The movie and its sequel are now available on a double disc DVD set from Yellow Hat Productions.

The story goes that a year or so after Ackerman�s passing, Davids had left on his bed some printed papers regarding his days work before taking a quick shower. Upon returning to these documents, Davids� was perplexed to notice a strange distortion covering the words "Spoke to Joe Amodei". At first he thought it was simply an ink blot but the uniformity and opacity of the apparent smudge truly mystified him.

His bafflement led him to getting the document examined by Jay Seigel, chairman of the chemistry department at the University of Indiana along with forensic testing by an expert on solvents inks and paints. The reason for such rigorous analysis was simply down to David�s belief all along that it was actually Ackerman communicating with him from beyond the grave!

Now considering this documentary premi�red earlier this year on the SYFY TV channel, which also plays host to the rather dubious GHOST HUNTERS show I was a little sceptical to say the least. But with the DVD cover claiming: "THE EVENTS IN THESE FILMS ARE TRUE. THE MYSTERIES AND ANOMALIES HAVE NOT BEEN INVENTED OR CONTRIVED" I had to at least watch it before passing judgement.

One thing that is apparent very early on in proceedings is David�s unbridled belief that this was a truly supernatural phenomenon, and as such, he was out to get scientific proof of After Death Communication (ADC).

For example: we hear from Gary Schwartz who has been examining potential evidence of �life after death� for around 15 years by developing a scientific instrument that he believes can substantiate communications between the living and the deceased. We are indeed treated to a demo of his Silicon Photomultiplier System as he invites the spirits to drop in and have a little chat.

Throughout the presentation we naturally get various devoted supporters of Davids� viewpoint. Authors Richard Matheson (I AM LEGEND), Dannion Brinkley and William Strieber all contribute. The "Mysteries and Anomalies" alluded to on the cover notes I guess were referring to some sheets of A4 paper inexplicably falling off a chair (although we only get to hear about this); clocks chiming that allegedly haven�t chimed for years; computers turning on by themselves, and even the manifestation of spider bites after one of the crew personally asked Ackerman to provide him with a spider bite (Personally I would have opted for the winning Lottery Numbers but I am shallow I guess!)

I confess to finding some of the so called evidence very week. For example during a Mark Macy interview (a former cynic who has now converted to stalwart believer in such phenomenon) there appeared some interference on the picture. Because no rational explanation could be provided, Davids makes the quantum leap to the conclusion that it was indeed Ackerman�s mischievous spirit at work!

We are regularly reminded in the duration of the film that Ackerman himself was an atheist and certainly did NOT endure any belief in any sort of afterlife. This is itself was used as some form of substantiation that he was indeed communicating from the grave.

The obligatory psychics are thrown into proceedings including one asking the million dollar question "What about the �ink�?"

"He say�s �it was me�" is the medium�s genuine testimony�.. Mmmmm

The documentary is fascinating for sure but I couldn�t help but feel it will ultimately fall short of convincing the average sceptic that communication with the dead is indeed possible. The fact that the evidence was presented in a very biased manner with only one sceptic, Michael Shermer Ph.D, the founding publisher of Skeptic Magazine, offering a more grounded opinion didn�t do the film any favours.

The documentary itself runs for 106 minutes but Yellow Hat Productions Collection Edition 2-DVD set offers a lot more.

On Disc One, the documentary is complimented by 40 minutes of extras which in fairness I found more enthralling then the main feature. The reason for this was the fact it focused on the life and times of Forrest J. Ackerman himself. Glimpses of the world famous �Ackermansion�, his not so humble abode was fabulous. The fact he laid out an open invitation every Saturday morning for anyone to visit and ogle his priceless collection of memorabilia tells you something about the man.

We hear from special effects guru Rick Baker, and the legendary Ray Bradbury who both spoke at the Ackerman tribute which took place at the Egyptian theatre in Hollywood back in March 2009.

A moving segment called "The Demise of the Ackermansion" follows before we are back onto "Ink Gate" with an expanded statement from Dr John Allison. (Remember that clock that chimed?? Hey, it �ticked� too! Interesting stuff huh?)

Onto the second disc of the set and we get what is effectively a sequel to the first documentary, THE LIFE AFTER DEATH PROJECT 2 � PERSONAL ENCOUNTERS.

Running at 101 minutes, the film has a distinctly different style to the original. It is largely made up of recollections from various �normal� people about their encounters with what they believe to be spirits in some shape or form.

For example we have Melissa Armijo who works at the Laguna Vista Saloon, Eagle Nest. She recalls in detail the instances of hearing little boy�s voices, doors unlocking themselves, creaking floors and the like.

Marissa Ryan, who is referred to as a psychic medium after she was apparently visited by a murder victims spirit urging her to go to the police to fill in the blanks and help them catch her killer. This new found gift soon evolved into a curse as she was getting harassed by a flood of spirits after she started to communicate with the murder victims� ghost.

Teresa and Debbie are two hospital nurses who again give accounts of a recurring apparition at their hospital.

The accounts literally fill over an hour of the documentary as we are enlightened to golden orbs leaving bodies at the point of death, near death experiences whereby car wreck victim�s spirits re-enter their earthly bodies to "complete their spiritual journeys" and what it FEELS like to meet a ghost. Reincarnation experts are consulted and we even get to hear tales of ghost cats!

Paul Davids is conspicuously off camera for the majority of the interview segment but when he does take centre stage things get very weird�

He visits an old Saloon bar that was used for colourful poker games and many an alleged Wild West shoot-out many moons ago. Davids then decides to "pretend to play poker with a ghost" with an EMF reader on the card table to see if the spirit will respond to such questions as "Do you agree that you are the victor of this hand? I applaud you for that but would like to see your response..."

Needless to say, once Davids gives a pile of chips to the �ghost� the lights on the EMF reader go a little bonkers! Take THAT you nonbelievers...!

At least the film does go full circle and actually give the last word to Ackerman himself with some intriguing facts about the DVD�s cover art. The blue coloured picture of Ackerman with finger to his lip indicating the "ssshhh" gesture was brilliantly painted by an artist called L.J. Dopp a few years before Ackerman passed away. What is interesting is the fact the clock in the background shows the time of 3 minutes to midnight � the exact time of Ackerman�s death.... The painting also throws up a multitude of extraordinary synchronicities during the filming of both projects which was enough to keep this viewer open minded if not totally convinced.

It is of course an individual choice as to what to make of these supernatural documentaries. For me the DVD set as a whole flitted between absorbing and rather silly. The second disc in particular seemed better suited to a few friends sitting round a campfire as oppose to airtight proof that life after death exists.

But even so, I learned a lot about Forrest J. Ackerman and with a running time totalling over 4 hours it is certainly value for money. Anyway must dash, Franco is blasting Jazz FM again, Fulci has just set the rug alight with that godforsaken pipe and fuck knows what Rollin is up to in the kitchen but there sand and salt water everywhere!!!

Review by Marc Lissenburg

Released by Indieblitz
Region 1 NTSC
Not Rated
Extras :
see main review